What are the Ten advices of the Holy Prophet (SAW)


What are the Ten advices of the Holy Prophet (SAW)

Translated by Tahir Mahmood Naqash

          In a religious gathering, the ten advices of the Holy Prophet (sws) which he had given to Hazrat Mu'adh ibn Jabal were mentioned in some detail. A friend who attended the meeting expressed the wish that these advices and the requests made with reference to them should also be recorded. Therefore, with the same idea, they are being presented in the service of the readers.

          In Musnad Ahmad there is a narration from Hazrat Mu'adh ibn Jabal and Sahib Mushkoot has also narrated that Hazrat Mu'adh says that the Holy Prophet (SAW) gave me special advice on ten things, which are as follows:

1. Do not associate anyone with Allah, even if you are burned or killed.

          Polytheism is the greatest of all sins and the greatest of all disobedience which is not pleasing to Allah Almighty under any circumstances. The first point of the call of the Holy Prophet (SAW) and all the other Prophets (SAW) has been to acknowledge the Oneness of God and not to associate anyone else with His essence, attributes, powers and actions, even if someone If a Muslim has to resort to shirk and murder on the spot, the way for him to commit is to accept being killed but not to contaminate his faith with shirk.

2. Never disobey your parents even if they order you to leave home.

In the Holy Qur'an, Allah, the Exalted, has commanded in many places, with His monotheism and devotion, to obey one's parents and treat them well, which is why the commentators state that man has the greatest wealth and blessings There is life, and God is the giver of life, but the external source of human existence and life is parents. Therefore, just as it is necessary to be thankful to God Almighty, it is also obligatory to be thankful to one's parents, and the right of parents is that unless they speak of violating any clear command of God and His Messenger. It is obligatory to obey the command.

3.      Never abandon the obligatory prayers intentionally, because whoever deliberately omits the obligatory prayers, the responsibility of Allah Almighty has been removed from him.

          Every Muslim man and woman is obliged to offer five daily prayers day and night, which it is a grave sin to neglect without any excuse. Will therefore, every Muslim should observe prayers. The Muslim who observes the prayers comes under the care and protection of the special mercy of Allah Almighty, and when a person deliberately abandons the obligatory prayers, this protection is lifted from him.

4.      Never drink alcohol because it is the root of all evil.

          The Holy Qur'an has called alcohol "dirt" and the Holy Prophet has called it "Umm Al-Khaba'ith". Alcohol is haraam in Islam and like alcohol, everything that causes intoxication is haraam. The Holy Prophet (SAW) has stated in a hadith that everything that is addictive is haraam and its use is a grave sin. Therefore, every Muslim should keep himself away from such filth and not use any intoxicants including alcohol.

5.      Avoiding disobedience because disobedience causes the wrath of Allah Almighty.

          Disobedience here refers to the general attitude of a person towards the divine commandments. If there is a sudden omission in a duty or a Shari'ah rule could not be followed, then it is a sin and one should try to compensate and forgive it, but the general practice of one regarding the Shari'ah rules is that If he becomes in the mood of disobedience and disobedience, then such a person is called "disobedient" and is subject to the wrath of Allah Almighty. Therefore, we should all take stock of our general behavior, what is our attitude towards the rules and instructions of the Qur'an and Sunnah, and avoid such behavior to which disobedience can be applied.

6.      Don't run away from the battlefield even though people are dying.

          Jihad and steadfastness in it is one of the religious requirements and duties and running away from the fear of death while fighting the enemy in the field of jihad is a grave sin which is condemned by the Holy Qur'an. Because death is in the hands of Allah Almighty who will come in every situation in his time and running away from Jihad is actually running away from the command of Allah Almighty which is the most severe disobedience. However, this does not include relocating under military strategy and retreating under military necessity.

7.      When there is a plague of death somewhere and you are there, be steadfast.

          This is a Shariah issue and the Holy Prophet (SAW) has instructed that if an epidemic spreads in a place where ordinary deaths are taking place such as cholera and plague, then none of the people living there should go out, and no one from outside should go there. In this context, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said that if such a situation arises, one should not run away from it while being patient and grateful to Allah.

8.      Keep spending on your family according to your ability

          The head of the household is responsible for the maintenance of the family and for the expenses of the wife, children and dependents. But the directive for him is to be according to his financial status. If he spends less than his status and scope and does not provide the necessities, then he is depriving his wife and children of their rights. And if the wife and children demand more from him than his status and power, then they are doing him injustice. Islam commands realism and moderation in this regard. We usually have shortcomings in this regard, which has led to many defects in the family and social system. If we all reconsider our behavior and adopt moderation and balance according to Islamic teachings, we will automatically get rid of many problems.

9.      Don't take your literature stick from your family.

          It has been said in the language of idiom that as the head of the house, his awe should remain in the home environment so that the system of the house runs smoothly and if any defect is seen, he can correct it. It is not necessary to carry a stick in one's hand and keep raining it on the family members. Establishes effectively. In this regard, the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (SAW) himself is that he never raised his hand against any wife, child or even a servant in his life and has kept the household system under control with love and trust. However, if there is extreme compulsion and other means of correction fail, then there is scope to use sticks as needed.

10.    Warn other to fair Allah.

    That is, the head of the household is not only responsible for feeding and caring for the needs of the wife, children and dependents. Rather, it is also his responsibility to take care of their religious education and training, to reform their morals and habits, and to take care of the accuracy and maturity of their faith and belief. Because if due to the negligence and carelessness of the head of the household, the members of the household will stay away from religion, their beliefs will deteriorate, their deeds and worship will be neglected and their morals and habits will deteriorate, then their sins and responsibilities He will also be considered a participant in Dari. Therefore, special attention needs to be paid to this as well.


May Allaah help us all to follow these instructions of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), Amen or Lord of the Worlds.

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